Kirjoittaja Aihe: Don Rosa Classics -kirjasarja  (Luettu 5598 kertaa)

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Vs: Don Rosa Classics -kirjasarja
« Vastaus #75 : 31.03.2022 klo 09:55:49 »
Selasin mun sarjislistoja ja huomasin että tänä vuonna tulee tasan 10 vuotta täyteen kirjan tilauksesta. Pisin odotus ikinä.


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Vs: Don Rosa Classics -kirjasarja
« Vastaus #76 : 31.03.2022 klo 11:37:57 »
Selasin mun sarjislistoja ja huomasin että tänä vuonna tulee tasan 10 vuotta täyteen kirjan tilauksesta. Pisin odotus ikinä.

Jep. Eikä Janosta ole taas kuulunut yli vuoteen yhtään mitään.
"Aijaa no minä olen Rauta-Pekka!"
"Iskä, saanko minä sinun Batman-kalsarit sitten kun sinä kuolet?"


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Vs: Don Rosa Classics -kirjasarja
« Vastaus #77 : 13.06.2023 klo 21:55:09 »
Yritin kysellä Jano Rohdelerilta tämän jo yli 10v sitten rahoitetun kirjan perään pari viikkoa sitten. Herra ei enää edes vaivaudu vastaamaan.

Toivo alkaa loppua.
"Aijaa no minä olen Rauta-Pekka!"
"Iskä, saanko minä sinun Batman-kalsarit sitten kun sinä kuolet?"


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Vs: Don Rosa Classics -kirjasarja
« Vastaus #78 : 04.08.2023 klo 11:21:31 »
Yritin kysellä Jano Rohdelerilta tämän jo yli 10v sitten rahoitetun kirjan perään pari viikkoa sitten. Herra ei enää edes vaivaudu vastaamaan.

Toivo alkaa loppua.

Ei vastausta, vaikka kyselin useampaan otteeseen. Nyt laitoin herralle viestin jossa pyydän rahojen palautusta. Kuinka moni on pyytänyt/saanut rahansa takaisin?

Edit: Facebookin kautta sain vastauksen: "For refunds, as stated in the update emails, please send an email with the subject "Don Rosa Refund" that includes your PayPal or bank account info to"

Suosittelen muitakin vetämään rahat pois.

Edit 2: tuli ilmoitus rahansiirrosta ja rahat tilillä. Tosin ei maksanut vaatimaani korkoa, mutta palautti kuitenkin sen alkuperäisen rahoitussumman eli 95€. Noin nopeasti hoitivat, joten rahaa tuntuu löytyvän, suosittelen muitakin toimimaan nyt kun rahaa vielä on.
« Viimeksi muokattu: 04.08.2023 klo 11:56:56 kirjoittanut Miqz »
"Aijaa no minä olen Rauta-Pekka!"
"Iskä, saanko minä sinun Batman-kalsarit sitten kun sinä kuolet?"


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Vs: Don Rosa Classics -kirjasarja
« Vastaus #79 : 30.11.2023 klo 18:32:33 »
En ole pyytänyt rahoja takaisin. Jano Rohleder oli viime yönä lähettänyt pitkän mailin jossa selitti enimmäkseen Rosa-kirjaston saksankielisestä versiosta. Tässä tähän keskusteluun liittyvä teksti. TL;DR: samanlaista selitystä kuin aiemmin eikä asia ollenkaan etene.

Then about that Early Years book ... honestly, I don't know when it will come out. I'm trying my best to still finish it after all those years, but I can't give any realistic estimates. At one point, back in 2021, I thought I was close to finishing, but when I look at the files now, I feel like it's just not there yet. I really love the quality of my books *when* they come out, but I really start to hate how much of a dumb perfectionist I am because it slows everything down so very much and pretty much hinders me from making any reasonable money with my publishing. And it never ever stops. If I do a reprint of one of my early books nowadays, I basically completely redo the lettering because I can now see how poorly done it was and how inept I was back then. Sure, it was the best I could do at the time and I was satisfied with it ... and every reasonable publisher would reprint it just identically, but I can't. I can't give anything to print that I'm not 100 % satisfied with it. Which is stupid because once it's out, I'll put it on the shelf and will never really look at it again anyway. But I can't overcome this. If I don't like it in the moment of printing, I have to fix it so that it's as good as can be. And the same goes for that Early Years project. Looking back, it really was a dumb idea to try to ever do this in the first place as just a tiny one-man company. I was elated by how well PP and CK worked and was looking for a follow-up not realizing that those were just so easy to do because all the main content was already existing in digital form and real work was only necessary on the extras.

When I now look at what I've done with it over the years, it doesn't look close to anything what I would release today. I saw some comments in the group that were like "can't he just do an ebook if there's not enough money for print", and I don't know where that idea comes from. It's not about money, the whole printing part is the easiest and fastest part of the production. It's about making this the ultimate version of what it can be and something I'll be happy with because of course it's so niche that it won't be reprinted later on. So I'll have to get it exactly right at the first try. Honestly, more than once I was thinking about whether the whole darn thing even makes sense and if I'm even able to ever get it right or if I should just finally cancel it and refund everyone. But there's already so much work that went into it over countless hours over the years that I want those who still want to see it to at least get a chance to do so at some point. Even if I can't really give a realistic estimate at this point. And as usual, everybody who pledged for the book may feel free to ask for a refund at any time if they should wish to do so. I've always been very clear and very upfront about this and if someone sends me such a request, the refund will be processed within a couple of minutes (or hours, depending on what time it is). All it takes is an email with "Don Rosa Refund" in the subject line and your bank or PayPal account info and it's done.

Thanks for reading and thanks for enjoying the books. (I feel okayish now and even though I'm still constantly tired and partially dizzy, I'm glad that I'm at least not at the verge of constantly fainting anymore. And even though eating still troubles me to some extent, I'm mostly able to eat more or less normally again on most days without directly feeling sick after the first bite. So that's a step up.)

I'll try to be more active again on the page and here in the group, too, in the future. Take care.